
After another perfect weather 2023 shootout, qualifying rounds for the 2024 Kinetic Rooftop Golf Tournament are now open. Clients, vendors, partners, referrers, and friends of Kinetic are all invited to participate in impromptu (sometimes daily) golf shootouts underway now. On October 10, 2024, final shootout will be held between the top 16 players, ending with the hoisting of the 2024 Kinetic Cup. Come join the action!

2024 Individual Qualifying High Scores

Rank Name Score Date
1Bishop Escue1801/31/2024
2Greg Echols 🏌️1711/17/2023
3John Kidd1610/27/2023
4Wood Howell1604/18/2024
5Will Weathington1510/19/2023
6Jay Brandrup1503/07/2024
7Matt Waters1503/11/2024
8Lindy Jack Smith 🏌️1410/20/2023
9Dylan Peterson1410/26/2023
10Ken Price 🏌️1310/09/2023
11Blake Bahos1310/19/2023
12Dowling Briggs1312/08/2023
13Patrick Sullivan 🏌️1301/31/2024
14Jackson Glover1304/12/2024
15Ethan Creel1304/26/2024
16Kurt Sasser1210/04/2023
Cut LineCut LineCut Line
17Jeremy Flint 🏌️1210/13/2023
18Luke Fargason1211/07/2023
19Jonathan Eyster1203/07/2024
20Jon Wilson1110/04/2023
21Lloyd Escue 🏌️1102/06/2024
22Chris Law1010/19/2023
23Quinn Strong1010/19/2023
24Drew McDaniel1010/26/2023
25Nick Seward1010/26/2023
26Cat Blake910/13/2023
27Darius Young910/19/2023
28John Jenkins910/19/2023
29Sam Clement 🏌️911/07/2023
30Taylor Eyster903/07/2024
31Albert Lewis810/19/2023
32Brian Garcia810/19/2023
33John David Jones810/26/2023
34Spencer Dunn810/26/2023
35Miller King810/26/2023
36Keegan Doyle812/08/2023
37Tessa Laville710/19/2023
38Duane Donner710/19/2023
39Jake Wyrosdick710/26/2023
40Harrison Smith610/08/2023
41Bryan Urraca610/19/2023
42Griffin Race603/05/2024
43Donald McCormick510/13/2023
44Demyree Lawerence510/19/2023
45Blake Huynh511/15/2023
46Maggie Beans511/15/2023
47Jeffrey Couch310/19/2023
48Chris Cooper311/07/2023

🏌️ = Denotes past Kinetic Cup qualifier

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